
Gaetz Demands Mayorkas Spill on Illegal’s DUI & Injured Cop

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) has taken aim at Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a standard way to get the Biden administration to answer for its lax immigration policies. Gaetz wants to know what happened with an illegal immigrant from Nicaragua who caused a drunk driving accident in Virginia that hurt a police officer.

The event happened early in the morning of August 19 in Chesapeake, Virginia. Yacarely Diaz-Castro, an illegal immigrant, is said to have crashed into a police officer while drunk during a traffic stop. The force of the crash threw the officer over a guardrail, giving him serious injuries that could lead to physical problems for the rest of his life.

Diaz-Castro, who is 30 years old, has been charged with DUI causing injury, driving without a license, and failing to move over for a stopped car with warning lights. When the police checked her car, they found empty beer cans, and she failed a number of tests to see if she was drunk. It was also found out that she didn't have a license to drive.

In his message to Secretary Mayorkas, Gaetz brings up the fact that the Department of Homeland Security already knew about Diaz-Castro. She had come to the U.S. without permission seven months before, and she said she had even gotten a "Notice to Report" Form I-385. The person who gets this form has 60 days to report to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Gaetz's letter to Secretary Mayorkas asks a number of specific questions, such as what Diaz-Castro's immigration situation is, when she illegally entered the United States, if she has had any contact with ICE, and how many illegal immigrants have ignored similar notices. The letter also asks for information about what the Department of Homeland Security is doing to get illegal immigrants who don't follow the rules out of the country quickly. It also wants to know how many police officers and first responders have been hurt by illegal immigrants in the last two years.

It's important to remember that this is not a one-time thing. Under President Biden's "parole pipeline," almost 2 million people who crossed the border illegally were given permission to live in the United States. States like Texas have a lot of problems with this parole program, which lets tens of thousands of people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela come into the United States every month. They say that the executive branch is going too far, so they have gone to court to stop the scheme.

Representative Gaetz is doing good work by trying to hold Secretary Mayorkas responsible for the immigration problem and its effects. It's important to bring attention to how dangerous uncontrolled illegal immigration is and how it could hurt law enforcement and innocent Americans. We can't start to solve this important problem until we ask for answers and hold people accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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