
Good Boy, Get Him: Woman’s Pit Bull Assaulted Her Roommate

After her pit dog killed a man in a vicious assault, a Kentucky lady admitted guilt to murder.

Police were summoned to Melissa Wolke's Conway, Kentucky, home in the early hours of January 10, 2020 after a neighbour who must remain nameless reported hearing intense fighting. When the neighbour arrived to investigate, he saw Wolke brutally abusing her roommate, Donald Abner, a 55-year-old auto technician, as she was seated on top of him.

Wolke was heard by the neighbour inciting her pit dog to charge. The neighbour overheard Wolke telling her pit bull, Denali, "Good boy, grab him."

When the cops came, Wolke and Denali were still pursuing Abner. Wolke would not be called off or otherwise restrained, so they had to shoot and kill the dog. Denali had previously been trained for combat, but ever since she adopted him, she said, he has been kind and submissive.

At the time, a police report said that"[Wolke] appeared to have blood on her hands and feet and had a large clump of hair in her hands that was consistent with the victim's hair,"According to reports, the neighbour recorded the assault on his phone as well, but swiftly erased it because he found it "sick to watch." The footage from his phone was never retrieved by police.

A liquor bottle was found at the crime site, but there were no indications of a fight or any narcotics.

Wolke was still too inebriated to talk with police seven hours after they had transported her to the detention facility, Kentucky State Police Detective Ryan Loudermilk later stated in court. After she came to, she acknowledged that she had a problem with alcohol misuse and that she sometimes passed out from drinking too much.

She cried and kept saying, "I'm so sorry," as she demonstrated her distress at the occurrence"Oh my God! I went 'redneck' on" She said Abner, who had lived with her at the house for three months before to his death, had been a lifelong friend.

Abner passed away at the scene from asphyxiation, according to a coroner. The coroner did not think Abner's injuries were caused by a dog bite, despite the fact that he also had many face lacerations and a fractured bone in his neck.

Having admitted guilt to Abner's murder last month, Wolke, now 40, was given a 20-year jail term on Monday

In March, Wolke will make another court appearance to answer to unrelated criminal allegations.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on The Blaze.

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