
GOP on the Brink: Absences Slash House Majority to Razor’s Edge

In a shocking turn of events, the Republican Party’s already slim majority in the House of Representatives has been dealt a further blow. With three key absences, the GOP is now left with a precarious 218-213 majority. Let’s take a closer look at the House Republicans who are causing this major headache for the GOP.

First up, we have former California Rep. Kevin McCarthy. After a tumultuous 2023 that included an ousting as the presiding officer of the chamber, McCarthy made the surprising decision to not seek reelection in 2024 and to resign from the chamber effective December 31, 2023. A special election will determine his successor in his safe Republican district, adding to the uncertainty of the GOP’s grip on the House.

Next, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) will be absent for the entire month of January as he undergoes a stem cell transplant as part of his cancer treatment. While his absence is expected to be temporary, it certainly leaves a leadership gap at a critical time for the Republican Party.

Lastly, Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH) is leaving the House of Representatives to become the president of Youngstown State University. His early departure, effective January 21, adds to the growing list of prominent House Republicans who have announced they will not seek another term in 2024.

The timing of these absences couldn’t be worse for the GOP, as Congress faces the looming deadline to pass government funding before it expires on January 19. The margin for error has become razor-thin, and the Republican Party will need to navigate these challenges with precision and fortitude.

But let’s not forget the woes that the Senate experienced in 2023, with multiple absences from both Democratic and Republican senators. The absence of key senators only adds to the uphill battle that the Republican Party is facing in both chambers of Congress.


Written by Staff Reports

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