
GOP Rep. Crane Questions FBI Transparency in Trump Assassination Probe

After the July assassination attempt on Donald Trump, GOP Rep. Eli Crane from Arizona is raising eyebrows about the FBI’s transparency, or lack thereof. The federal agency gave a somewhat baffling update last week on the investigation of the would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks. This update only served to fuel speculation, as it appears the FBI would rather scramble to explain their findings than actually shed light on a matter of national importance.

During a news briefing, FBI Assistant Director Cathy Milhoan reported that Crooks had been searching online for Trump’s campaign schedule prior to the attack. However, the timeline is precisely where things get a little murky. From April to July, he was just as interested in Biden’s campaign events. Apparently, determining the assassin’s political leanings is as difficult for the FBI as it is for the average American to figure out a weather forecast. The FBI meticulously cataloged the searches—over 60 in 30 days—yet decided to omit details about Crooks’ searches related to Biden. Curious, isn’t it?

Rep. Crane is not buying this opaque approach. He pointed out that the FBI seemed keen on highlighting Crooks’ obsessive Google searches about Trump’s Butler rally, but conveniently forgot to clarify what he was looking for with Biden. One can hardly argue that such selective data presentation stirs the pot of public trust, or lack thereof. The congressman firmly believes that the nature of Crooks’ research hints at far more sinister intents—like a not-so-secret plan for a successful mission had he been given the opportunity.

The question arises: why is the FBI reluctant to present a comprehensive view of the investigation? Crane argues that it’s because they simply are not interested in transparency. With prior actions speaking volumes, it’s no wonder many Americans question the agency’s impartiality. Crane, one among many congressional members who views the FBI with skepticism, believes that constituents are justified in their doubts about the bureau’s ability to deliver a thorough inquiry into the assassination attempt.

Crane’s call for an independent investigation underscores just how serious he and other representatives view this threat. The list of past grievances against the FBI—from targeting concerned parents at school board meetings to the infamous handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop—only adds fuel to the fire. It’s hard not to wonder if the FBI has become the modern-day equivalent of a dysfunctional babysitter, tasked with watching over liberty but instead choosing to play favorites.

In a show of coordination, Crane has been on the ground assessing security issues from the day of the attack. His observations aren’t just armchair opinions; as a former Navy SEAL, he recognizes lapses in security that put Trump at risk. With questions still looming and pressure mounting, one can only anticipate the direction this investigation might take—one can bet it won’t be the smooth sailing the FBI appears to be hoping for.

Written by Staff Reports

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