
Hamas’ Terror Lair Exposed Under Hospital by IDF Raid!

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) recently allowed a group of journalists to take a rare look inside Hamas’ extensive underground tunnel network, which spans an impressive 300 miles. The entrance to the tunnel was uncovered at the al-Shifa Hospital, revealing that the medical facility was being used as a central hub for the terrorist group’s operations.

Reporters were granted access to the terror tunnel, located underneath Gaza City’s largest hospital complex, after weeks of Hamas blatantly denying its existence. The underground labyrinth included various rooms equipped with beds, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a stockpile of weapons, explosives, and even drones.

The IDF disclosed that the tunnel system was initially discovered on November 17, when a shelling near the hospital complex exposed the entrance next to a Qatari facility. The small hole, only suitable for a single person at a time, led to a dark and damp tunnel running beneath the foreign compound before reaching the Hamas-operated complex.

During the media tour, IDF soldiers revealed the shocking contents of the tunnel, including a cache of weapons and ammunition. The base also contained rooms suspected of housing hostages kidnapped during a previous terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel.

The sections of the tunnel open for viewing were secured by the IDF after soldiers initially highlighted the tunnel exploration beneath al-Shifa. The area had to be carefully inspected to ensure no booby traps were present before journalists were granted access.

Israeli military spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari condemned Hamas for using the hospital as a shield for their terrorist activities, calling it a “war crime.” Additionally, Colonel Elad Tsuri emphasized that Hamas relies on hospitals as human shields to protect themselves.

The tour underneath al-Shifa Hospital came shortly after Israel revealed footage of another Hamas base located beneath a Gaza mosque. The video depicted a shaft leading directly to Hamas’ terror tunnels beneath the mosque, along with a weapons laboratory stocked with mortars, warhead missiles, thermobaric weapons, and RPGs.

Overall, the IDF’s reveal of Hamas’ underground network sheds light on the terror group’s nefarious tactics and their willingness to exploit civilian infrastructure. The world waits to see if Hamas will acknowledge the evidence presented by the IDF and take responsibility for their actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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