
Hidden Video Exposes Capitol Police Lies in Boyland Tragedy: Shocking New Details!

The mainstream media just can’t seem to get the story straight when it comes to the tragic events of January 6th. But leave it to the Epoch Times to uncover the truth and show us what really happened! According to never-before-seen CCTV footage, the Capitol Police have been caught red-handed in a web of lies surrounding the death of Rosanne Boyland, a passionate supporter of former President Trump.

Contrary to the official narrative, Boyland didn’t just collapse in the Capitol Rotunda like they want us to believe. The video clearly shows her being wheeled in on a stretcher by a team of paramedics and Capitol Police officers. They frantically tried to resuscitate her for a whopping 40 minutes. Think about that for a moment, folks—40 minutes! Where was the mainstream media when this footage was released? Oh right, busy pushing their own agenda.

But let’s back up a bit and talk about how Boyland ended up in that dire situation. She wandered into the Lower West Terrace tunnel, a peaceful gathering spot for protesters, when suddenly the police decided to release gas. Can you believe it? Gas! In a crowded tunnel! It caused a stampede and poor Rosanne got caught in the chaos, collapsing near the tunnel entrance, trapped under a pile of bodies. And what caused her collapse in the first place? A projectile fired by the police, most likely a pepper ball. Talk about excessive force.

You would think that once she was inside the Capitol, the situation would improve. But no, it only got worse. The tunnel officers did nothing to help her, leaving it to the protesters themselves to step in and administer CPR. This is a clear case of dereliction of duty, folks. These officers were more interested in beating unconscious bodies than saving lives. It’s truly despicable.

And to add insult to injury, Capitol Police Officer Lila Morris, who was caught on camera beating Boyland, was actually honored at the Super Bowl a few weeks later. Are you kidding me? What kind of message does that send? It’s a slap in the face to all the people who have suffered at the hands of these so-called “heroes.”

The truth is finally coming out, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Epoch Times. It’s clear that the Capitol Police failed Rosanne Boyland when she needed them the most. And yet, the liberal media ignores this evidence and continues to push their own anti-Trump agenda. We must demand justice for Rosanne and all the other innocent victims of that tragic day. Enough is enough!

Written by Staff Reports

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