
Higgins Demands Truth on FBI’s Jan 6 Role: Dems Panic & Try to Cut Mic!

FBI Director Christopher Wray had the unfortunate task of facing the wrath of Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) during a recent hearing. Higgins, known for his no-nonsense approach, was determined to get answers about the alleged plot by FBI agents to infiltrate the January 6th breach at the Capitol. And let’s just say, the Democrats didn’t handle it well.

As Higgins grilled Director Wray about the use of “ghost busses” to transport agents during the Capitol incident, a Democrat on the committee couldn’t handle the heat and interrupted the questioning. Typical. This Democrat had the audacity to demand that the Republican committee chair cut Higgins’ microphone. Talk about trying to silence the truth!

But Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) wasn’t having it. He reminded the Democrats that he had been fair in allowing everyone to speak and urged them to respect the time limits. Bravo, Chairman Green! It’s about time someone put those crybaby Democrats in their place.

Even after the interruption, Higgins made sure to deliver his message loud and clear. He warned Director Wray that his day would come. And come it must! We demand answers about the FBI’s involvement in the events of January 6th. The American people deserve to know the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be for the establishment.

The Capitol breach on January 6th continues to be a point of contention between Republicans and Democrats. While both sides try to spin their narratives, it’s clear that there are lingering questions that need to be answered. Why did it take years for Ray Epps, a man captured on camera calling for violence, to be charged? And why did it seem like he was getting preferential treatment from the FBI?

Director Wray has faced tough questioning about Epps in the past, but his responses have only fueled suspicion. He denied any association between Epps and the Bureau, but let’s be honest here, can we really trust him? It’s clear that there are deep political motivations behind the FBI’s actions, and it’s high time someone held them accountable.

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) hit the nail on the head when he accused Wray of providing political cover to President Biden. It’s no secret that the FBI has become increasingly politicized, and it’s about time we do something about it. We can’t have law enforcement agencies playing favorites and protecting the political elite while trampling on the rights of everyday Americans.

The American people deserve transparency and honesty from their government. We need a thorough investigation into the events of January 6th, with no stone left unturned. And we need a FBI director who is willing to put the truth above political games. If Director Wray can’t deliver, it might be time for someone else to step up and clean house. The swamp runs deep, and it’s up to conservatives to drain it.

Written by Staff Reports

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