
Hunter Biden claiming victimhood accuses GOP of exploiting his addiction

Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has resorted to playing the victim card in his latest opinion piece published in USA Today. In the article, he claims he is “not a victim” but proceeds to list a series of grievances against those who he believes are weaponizing his addiction. He proudly claims to have chosen life over his destructive habits of vodka and crack addiction, but the self-serving hypocrisy of his words is evident. By lumping himself in with the millions of Americans who struggle with substance abuse, Biden is attempting to capitalize on what the left calls “intersectionality.” This concept refers to the ways in which different forms of discrimination intersect to create unique dynamics and effects.

While it may seem like a stretch for Hunter Biden to play the intersectionality card, it is a desperate move on his part. Capitalizing on his status as the son of the president, he positions himself as the ultimate poor little rich boy. He accuses conservatives of bullying him and launching fruitless congressional investigations into his reputation. However, the reality is that there is mounting evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s influence-peddling schemes, as revealed in a report published by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. This evidence is conveniently ignored by Hunter Biden, as it doesn’t fit the narrative he is trying to sell.

Biden complains of the demonization of addiction and human frailty, blaming the devastating consequences on the coverage of his addiction on Fox News. He shamelessly plays the family tragedy card by referencing the death of his brother Beau, but conveniently omits any mention of sleeping with his brother’s widow. This selective storytelling and manipulation of the truth are typical of leftist narratives. Rather than being believed, they should be reviled for their reliance on half-truths and lies. Hunter Biden’s attempt to portray himself as a victim is just another example of the left’s unwillingness to take responsibility for their own actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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