
Hunter Biden Cornered Comer & Jordan Demand Closed-Door Deposition

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) and House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) are not playing around when it comes to Hunter Biden and his sneaky antics. The sly son of President Joe Biden thought he could dictate the terms of his appearance before these honorable committees, but boy, was he wrong!

Biden, obviously hoping for a nationwide spotlight to charm the sympathetic establishment media, requested a public hearing. But Comer and Jordan shut him down with their own demand for a closed-door deposition. They made it crystal clear that they will not let Biden manipulate the situation for his benefit. Talk about a power move!


The committee chairs gracefully responded to Biden’s legal team, stating that his availability for the December 13 deposition has been confirmed. Oh, and they generously mentioned that Biden can have his moment in the sun with a public hearing at some point down the line. But on their terms, not his.

Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, had the audacity to claim that the Republican leaders couldn’t be trusted. Well, boo-hoo! We’ve seen the Democrats use closed-door sessions to push their own narratives, so it’s about time the Republicans take a page from their book. Lowell can whine all he wants, but as Comer and Jordan stated, “If it helps to alleviate your stated concerns, you should be aware that… we intend to videotape the deposition and release the deposition transcript soon after its completion.” So much for secrecy, Mr. Biden!

Congressman Tim Burchett (R-TN) summed it up perfectly when he said, “Hunter Biden doesn’t get to dictate the terms of a subpoena.” Amen to that! It’s time Hunter is held accountable for his questionable business practices and shady dealings. We need transparency, tough questions, and no special treatment.

It’s not surprising, of course, that a financial crimes investigator has found red flags surrounding Hunter Biden’s payments from China in 2018. This guy is about as clean as a muddy puddle. And yet, the left wants to bury these concerns and continue their love affair with the Biden family. It’s about time the truth comes out, and Jordan and Comer are leading the charge.

So, buckle up, folks! It’s going to be a wild ride as Hunter Biden faces the consequences of his actions. The American people deserve to know the truth, and we conservatives are not going to back down. Let’s expose the swamp and clean house, one corrupt Biden at a time!

Written by Staff Reports

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