
Hunter Grounded? White House Claps Back on Travel Drama!

The White House has firmly stood by its decision to keep Hunter Biden off the passenger lists for Air Force One and Marine One, even though there has been a whole bunch of hooting and hollering about it. Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters that giving out a list of family members traveling on Marine One is just not something they have ever done. The family gets to travel with the president, and that’s how it’s been with every other president. So, there’s no way they’re gonna start doing that now. No siree!

There’s been a lot of talk that maybe President Joe Biden and the White House are trying to hide Hunter Biden by not saying he’s on the plane and aircraft when the first family zips back from Delaware. That’s what all the fuss is about. But, the press secretary shot that down faster than a cat on a hot tin roof. She said it was a wacky idea and that it was just plain hogwash. The family was in Delaware for a pretty sad reason, marking the anniversary of a car crash in 1972 that killed Biden’s first wife and their 1-year-old daughter. That’s some heavy stuff, folks.

Now, when it comes to Hunter’s legal mess, the press secretary just pointed fingers at Hunter’s attorneys and told everyone to go bother them instead. She said, “The president loves his boy, so go ask someone else about his troubles.” She also mentioned that it was a real serious time for the Biden fam, so everyone should just think about that before they go flapping their gums about why Hunter isn’t on some list. Show a little respect, people!

Now, Hunter Biden has been making some big waves out there in the world. He decided to thumb his nose at Congress and didn’t show up for some hush-hush questioning about his doings. Instead, he said he’d only talk if everyone and their dog could listen in. He also had a real bone to pick with the “unrelenting Trump attack team.” He bawled, “For six years, I have been a target of the unrelenting Trump attack team. ‘Where’s Hunter?’ Well, here’s my answer. I am here.” That’s quite the statement, folks!

Written by Staff Reports

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