
Hunter’s Lawyer Threatens to Drag Joe Biden to Court: Desperate Move to Save Son?

It has been revealed that the legal team of Hunter Biden threatened to bring President Joe Biden into the court case involving his son. This move was carried out by Chris Clark, who is Hunter's former attorney. He told prosecutors that if the president's son was accused of purchasing a gun while he was struggling with drug addiction, Biden would be called to testify in his favor.

It’s unbelievable that the leader of the United States, who is supposed to be focused on leading the country, would be dragged into court and be accused of being a criminal. This is just outrageous and shows how desperate Hunter’s team is to protect his son. They’re trying to make a circus atmosphere out of it.

According to Clark, indicting Hunter could lead to a constitutional crisis since the president would have to testify for his son's defense. Although I understand that the legal system is supposed to provide due process and fairness, this seems like a way to protect the president and his family from being held accountable for their actions.

It's also noteworthy that Clark's sudden departure from Hunter Biden's legal team occurred just a few days after he was asked to be a potential witness. It's believed that he decided to leave the team due to the potential conflict of interest. He could have decided to stay as an attorney and witness, but he didn't want to be a part of the mess.

The plea agreement between the government and Hunter Biden was suddenly dissolved due to disagreements regarding the terms of his immunity. The judge who oversaw the case noted that the conditions of the deal were not standard and contradicted what he typically observed. It's clear that something is not right with the situation.

In a move that is a positive step, US District Judge Maryellen Nreika refused to accept the plea deal that was presented to Hunter. Instead, she gave both parties more time to come up with a better agreement. This shows that there are still judges who care about the rule of law and are willing to put the interests of justice first. Hopefully, the truth will come out regarding the case involving Hunter Biden.

The situation involving the Bidens is a clear example of how the legal system can be manipulated to benefit the rich. It's time for change, and it starts by holding the powerful individuals accountable for their actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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