
Immigration Fear Trumps Russia Risk in American Minds

In 2024, immigration continues to be a hot-button issue for most Americans, ranking even higher in importance than the looming crisis with nuclear-armed Russia, according to the sharp-eyed folks over at the Associated Press. A recent poll conducted by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research in December 2023 revealed that a whopping 35% of Americans are concerned about immigration and the border wall, a significant jump from 27% the previous year. Take that, Russia!

Hmm, but wait, the Democrats don’t seem to be feeling the heat on this issue as much, with a meager 22% of them considering immigration a top concern. Instead, they seem to be more fixated on foreign policy, which scored just a tad higher at 38%. Now, to be fair, foreign policy is a pretty bipartisan issue, but still, one can’t help but wonder if the Dems are missing the bigger picture here.

And if that didn’t already have your head spinning, President Joe Biden’s migration policies have even managed to shove inflation and the economy off the podium of top concerns. Inflation drummed up a mere 30%, while the economy lagged behind at 24%. It’s like a high-stakes game of musical chairs, and the players are the American people’s worries.

But hold on to your MAGA hats, because it turns out that Republicans are going bonkers over immigration, with a whopping 55% of them naming it as their number one issue. That’s a significant lead over foreign policy at 46%, inflation at 41%, and the economy at 32%. It’s like a Red Wave of concern crashing over the shores of Washington, D.C.!

With Republicans laser-focused on immigration, there’s hardly any wiggle room for GOP lawmakers to strike any shady deals with ol’ Biden. The President has been flexing his political muscles, dangling funds for the Ukraine war in exchange for more migration moolah, but surprise, surprise – the establishment GOP ain’t having any of it.

And here’s a twist in the plot – the public’s growing concern about foreign policy could be attributed to Biden’s backing of the war against Russia. The tension has been building since 2022, when Russia made moves on Ukrainian territory, and ol’ Joe has been shelling out big bucks to halt the Russian advances.

But the immigration saga doesn’t end there. The public’s nerves are frayed due to the influx of migrants escorted in by Biden’s pro-immigration border chief, with a jaw-dropping 300,000 new arrivals in December 2023. And those are just the ones they caught – an estimated 50,000 sneaky speedsters manage to slip by every single month. That’s more folks than the number of U.S. babies born in December!

To top it all off, recent polls are sending shockwaves, revealing that an increasing number of Americans are giving the cold shoulder to Biden’s open-door policy for millions of economic migrants. Even the Catholics in New York are hopping on the skeptical train, with 62% of them labeling legal migration as a burden. Not to mention, a majority of Americans are now flat-out refusing to buy into the old fairy tale that the U.S. is still a “Nation of Immigrants.”

Looks like Biden’s got his work cut out for him, and the political arena is heating up faster than a hot tamale in Texas.

Written by Staff Reports

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