
Independence Day Special: How Tax-Free Flags & The Pledge Can Restore Unity!

As we approach Independence Day, it is essential that we take a moment to reflect on the disappearing symbols of national unity in our country. Democrats and Republicans should be able to come together and display their pride in our great nation, just like my neighbors and I do in our retirement community. To help restore national unity, Barry Paulson proposes some modest changes that are both symbolic and substantive.

First, Paulson suggests that the purchase of the U.S. and state flags should be exempt from state and local sales taxes. Currently, only 14 states have such exceptions, and imposing sales taxes on these flags acts as a deterrent to their purchase. We must differentiate the U.S. and state flags from other flags that have become symbols of identity politics, as they only promote divisiveness within our society. By exempting the purchase of these flags from sales taxes, we can reaffirm our allegiance to our state and national governments and show our unity as Americans.

Of course, Paulson’s proposal has faced opposition from the Tax Foundation, a group that supports broad-based taxes with few exemptions. They argue that exemptions for flag purchases make state and local sales taxes less efficient. But sometimes, the public interest outweighs efficiency. In this case, restoring national unity and fostering a sense of pride in our country far surpass any concerns about efficiency.

Furthermore, Paulson advocates for the clear recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of each school day in our public schools, with appropriate exemptions. While most states already have this requirement, the exemptions are often vague and cause unnecessary litigation. We need to specify the exemptions clearly, such as allowing religious objections or exempting non-U.S. citizens. By doing so, we can instill a sense of patriotism and unity in our youth from an early age.

Critics may dismiss these proposals as mere symbols, but we should not underestimate the power of symbolism in fostering national unity. In a survey conducted by the Colorado Tax Commission, a majority of respondents expressed distrust in government institutions. This lack of faith has only grown over time. We are losing the “glue” that holds our society together, and even small changes to increase support for our political institutions are crucial. We must prioritize restoring national unity, as it is the key to overcoming our partisan divides and spurring economic growth and prosperity.

In conclusion, Barry Paulson’s proposals may be modest, but they carry substantial weight in restoring national unity. Exempting the purchase of U.S. and state flags from sales taxes and reinforcing the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in schools are necessary steps to rekindle the sense of pride and unity that seem to be slipping away. Let us celebrate this Independence Day by embracing these proposals and coming together as one nation, under God, indivisible.

Written by Staff Reports

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