
Intel Experts Doubt Biden’s CIA Clearance Amid Deepening Scandal

There’s a scandal brewing around Joe Biden, and it’s becoming more and more clear that he couldn’t even pass a CIA security clearance if he tried. Multiple intelligence experts are saying that there’s no way Biden could get a security check, including a polygraph test. And honestly, who can blame them?

The House Oversight Committee’s investigation into the Biden Family Business keeps turning up more and more damning evidence. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, they come out with another bombshell. It’s like a never-ending soap opera, except instead of fictional characters, it’s our actual president and his corrupt family.

Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst and National Security Council Chief of Staff, put it bluntly when he said, “If Joe Biden was applying for a job in the CIA, he wouldn’t get a clearance given all these ethical conflicts and payments from China because there would be the concern that he might be compromised.” Boom, nailed it.

And he’s not the only one who feels that way. Retired FBI Assistant Director for Intelligence Kevin Brock agrees that Biden wouldn’t pass a polygraph test designed to root out any compromising entanglements with a hostile foreign power. Let’s just say the machine might short circuit if Biden went anywhere near it.

But instead of addressing these concerns, Biden just smirks and snaps at reporters who dare to ask about his alleged involvement in the Biden Family Business. It’s classic Biden, avoiding the tough questions and acting like the whole thing is a joke. Well, it’s not a joke to the American people who deserve answers.

The most frustrating part is that Biden claims he’s never talked to Hunter about his business dealings, yet he’s also quick to defend his crackhead son and insist that he did nothing wrong. Sorry Joe, but you can’t have it both ways. Either you were involved in your son’s business and know he did nothing wrong, or you’re completely out of the loop and have no idea what’s going on. The evidence suggests it’s the former.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, is attacking the House Republican investigators and the IRS whistleblowers. He’s trying to play the victim card and accuse others of undermining the law. Talk about hypocrisy. The Biden family has been shielded by the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the IRS, while they relentlessly pursued Donald Trump. It’s a double standard of the highest order.

So, it’s becoming clear that Biden is compromised and involved in a massive scandal. And yet, the mainstream media continues to bury their heads in the sand and pretend like nothing is happening. It’s like they have blinders on, only seeing what fits their narrative. Well, the American people deserve to know the truth, and it’s up to conservatives like us to keep shining a light on Biden’s corrupt actions.

Source: RedState

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