
Is 81 Too Old for the Oval Office? Biden’s Age and the 2024 Race!

President Joe Biden, at the ripe old age of 81, celebrated his birthday this week. While it’s a time for celebration, it also serves as a reminder of the age of the potential candidates in the 2024 presidential race. If both Biden and former President Donald Trump secure their party’s nominations, their combined age would be a staggering 158 years. Now that’s a lot of candles!

Age has become a major concern for voters, with a new poll showing that 80% of respondents believe Biden’s age is a problem when it comes to his fitness to serve another term. And of those respondents, 55% said it is a “big problem.” Ouch!

But it’s not just Biden who is facing scrutiny. Trump, who would be 78 during a potential 2025 inauguration, is also being questioned about his age and ability to serve. Nearly half of respondents, 49%, said Trump wasn’t fit to serve another term, and 45% said he doesn’t possess the competence to be president again. It looks like the age issue is a two-way street.

While there are concerns about their age, it seems that voters are also paying attention to other factors. For Biden, his verbal gaffes and occasional stumbling have caught the public’s attention. And for Trump, his legal problems and numerous criminal trials have also been in the spotlight. It’s a battle of who has the most baggage!

Some Democrats are worried that Biden’s age could negatively impact his chances of reelection, especially if Trump is not the Republican nominee. After all, it’s hard to deny that Biden is showing his age in front of the camera. Even former Obama adviser David Axelrod agrees that the age factor is worrisome.

But Biden isn’t without challengers from within his own party. Rep. Dean Phillips has voiced concerns about Biden’s second bid for the presidency, calling on him to “pass the torch.” Ouch, talk about throwing shade!

With age, ability, and unpopularity all playing a role in the 2024 race, there’s a possibility of a third-party campaign from the No Labels Party. They’re reportedly courting Sen. Joe Manchin as a potential candidate. Looks like there might be some interesting twists and turns in this race!

So, as Biden blows out his birthday candles, it’s clear that age is not just a number in the upcoming presidential race. It’s a key factor that could shape the future of our country. Let the age games begin!

Written by Staff Reports

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