
Is Biden Too Old for Office? Atlantic Writer Rings Alarm Bell!

Listen up, folks! The Atlantic is serving up some harsh truth about Joe Biden. They may be a bunch of left-wing loonies, but even they can see that Biden’s time is up. In a scathing article titled “Step Aside, Joe Biden,” Atlantic writer Eliot Cohen unloaded on the 80-year-old president, calling for him to bow out gracefully. And you know what? He’s absolutely right!

Let’s face it, if your own grandpa was as feeble-minded and frail as Biden, would you want him in charge of the country? I didn’t think so. The man can barely string together a coherent sentence, let alone handle the demands of the presidency. And if he somehow manages to snag another term, he’ll be a whopping 86 years old by the time he’s done. That’s just bonkers!

Now, I don’t want to be too tough on old Joe, but I can’t help but wonder if his wife Jill is guilty of elder abuse. I mean, why would she subject her poor husband to this kind of torture? Maybe she just loves the limelight a little too much. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

But the real kicker is that even the liberals are turning on Biden. That’s right, Cohen himself is a bona fide left-winger, and even he can’t sugarcoat the truth. He knows that age catches up with all of us, and Biden is no exception. Cohen, who’s in his late 60s, admits that he’s not the same sprightly young man he used to be. And if he can see it, why can’t Biden?

The sad reality is that Biden’s mental decline is becoming more and more apparent with each passing day. The man can’t even remember where he is half the time, for crying out loud! And don’t get me started on his mumbling and confusion. It’s like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

But here’s the thing, folks. It’s not just about Biden’s age. It’s about the Democrats’ desperate need to beat Donald Trump. They don’t care about Biden’s mental acuity or his ability to lead. All they care about is getting one over on the Republicans. It’s a sad state of affairs, but that’s politics for you.

So, let’s not kid ourselves. If Biden somehow manages to pull off another win, he’ll become nothing more than a puppet with the Democratic Party pulling the strings. And trust me, that’s not a pretty picture. Do we really want that for our country? I think not.

2024 is shaping up to be a fine mess, my friends. So buckle up, conservatives, because we’re in for a wild ride. And don’t forget to stock up on pizza, because we’re going to need it to get through the next four years. Stay strong, my fellow constitutional conservatives!


Written by Staff Reports

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