
Is Fox News Pushing For World War III?

Popular conservative commentator, Mike Cernovich, has shared his thoughts on the departure of Fox News’ star commentator, Tucker Carlson. According to Cernovich, Carlson’s removal from Fox News was part of a sinister scheme to push for a war with Russia.

“It isn’t about corporate profits – we live in this delusion still on the right in the conservative world, the libertarian world, that these companies exist to make money, free market capitalism – yet we’ve watched companies make decisions over and over again that are bad for business that are insulting to their audience”, Cernovich said during an appearance on the Benny Johnson Show.

Cernovich believes that Fox News is not concerned with ratings but is instead “part of the regime.” In his opinion, Fox News is preparing for a “full frontal push for World War III and nuclear war with Russia.”

In an effort to silence any dissenting voices, Cernovich believes that Fox News had to remove Carlson, who had been acting as a wedge against the network’s sinister agenda. “No dissenting voices now. Here’s what’s going to happen and watch for that push. Everybody needs to be aware of that.”

Cernovich warns against downplaying the possibility of a push for war with Russia, citing the “spiritual dimension” and the influence of “bad entities”: “It’s more of a corporatocracy that we’re living in. This is a plutocracy that we’re living in.”

Interestingly, Cernovich’s warning comes on the heels of Russia’s warning to the United States that the risk of nuclear war is “steadily increasing” due to escalating tensions between the two nations over Ukraine with the fate of the START treaty in jeopardy.

Despite these events, Fox News has not yet commented on Cernovich’s theory nor have they explained Carlson’s sudden departure from the network.

Source: Trending Politics

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