
Joe Rogan RIPS Woke Jimmy Kimmel Over Toxic Comedy

Jimmy Kimmel was criticized by Joe Rogan for perpetuating leftist influences that are destroying commedy.

During an episode of his podcast, Rogan said more subjects are getting toxic and forbidden and people like Kimmel are only making things worse.

Rogan used the example of Kimmel's response to Elon Musk's recent joke about his use of the pronouns "prosecute" and "Fauci."

According to Rogan, Jimmy Kimmel responded to Elon Musk by saying that his pronouns are a hole and a "a**" in a humorous manner. Upon reading this, many people called out for him to stop making jokes about pronouns.

According to Rogan, Kimmel has a problem with Elon Musk since the beginning of this matter. He said that he is in a leftist thought bubble and is in Hollywood, which is a very leftist area.

Rogan also claimed that, back in the day, Jimmy Kimmel did some incredibly outrageous s*** for laughs.

Fauci responded to Musk's tweets about the pandemic and his use of pronouns. He called it a "cesspool of misinformation" and said that getting involved was unnecessary.

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