
John Kerry Presents the Dictators in China With a Huge Gift

After White House environmental envoy John Kerry stated he wanted to resume climate discussions with China the day before, President Joe Biden on Wednesday accused China of surreptitiously acquiring nuclear weapons.

John Kerry expressed his desire to resume diplomatic climate negotiations with China after such talks were halted by China as a retaliation to Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's travel to Taiwan. Pelosi's trip was prompted by China's concern about the impact of Pelosi's trip During his speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Vice President Biden criticized China for undermining the global nuclear non-proliferation framework by increasing its nuclear capabilities in secret. Biden made these remarks. Additionally, he urged nations to pass legislation that would restrict the use of nuclear weapons.

During his statement before the United Nations, President Biden described China's development of nuclear weapons as an unprecedented, frightening nuclear development without any openness.

During a hearing on the Armed Services on Tuesday, senators and specialists stated that China is believed to now possess 350 nuclear warheads, but that number is anticipated to more than treble within the next decade. There has been no progress made on establishing strategic arms control agreements between the United States and China as of yet.

Kerry, speaking at an event hosted by The New York Times on the topic of climate change, made a contrast between the two words by stating, they halted… they didn't cancel the climate conversations.  We owe it to mankind, so I strongly hope China will recognize at some time in the next days that it is important to reexamine this.

Kerry stated that he attempted to contact Xie Zhenhua, China's Special Representative for Climate Change Affairs, with with whom he is acquainted, to reopen climate discussions, but that he had not heard back from Xie Zhenhua. Kerry claimed that he had not heard back from Xie Zhenhua. Kerry voiced his optimism that the talks could be restarted and expected that China would collaborate with the United States to achieve the climate change agenda, the primary objective of which is the elimination of fossil fuels.

Kerry similarly heaped praise on China at the tail end of the month of August, claiming that the communist nation has outperformed its obligations to decrease carbon emissions and develop renewable energy.

Joe Biden, President of the United States of America, will deliver a speech to the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 21, 2022 in New York City (UNGA).

The Wall Street Journal reports that in the month of April, China increased its efforts to stockpile nuclear warheads that are capable of hitting the mainland of the United States.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on American Examiner News.

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