
Johnson Exposes Biden’s 64 Blunders Hurting Our Border Security!

In his first speech as Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson didn’t hold back in criticizing President Joe Biden’s administration for their actions that he believes have undermined border security. Johnson highlighted a list of 64 actions taken by the Biden administration that he claims have contributed to the current crisis at the border. These actions include the ending of border wall construction, the submission of legislation for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and lifting restrictions on immigration from countries associated with terrorism.

Johnson also criticized Biden for rescinding former President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy and placing a 100-day moratorium on deportations, which led to a reduction in the number of eligible deportations. He also highlighted the suspension of agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras that were meant to stem the flow of migrants to the United States.

Furthermore, Johnson accused Biden of expanding the parole of illegal immigrants making asylum claims in the U.S. at unprecedented levels. He claimed that the fallout from the open border has resulted in kids being forced out of schools and veterans being displaced from nursing homes to make room for illegal migrants. Johnson also pointed out the increase in fentanyl and human trafficking victims entering the country.

During a press conference, a reporter asked Biden if he had done everything he could to address the border crisis. Biden responded by saying, “I’ve done all I can do. Just give me the power I asked for the very day I got in office. Give me the Border Patrol. Give me the people that judge asylum claims. Give me the people who can stop this and make it work rationally.” Johnson criticized Biden for trying to shift the blame to Congress rather than taking responsibility for the border situation.

Johnson emphasized the national security implications of the border crisis, citing concerns raised by former FBI officials regarding the surge in military-age men crossing the border from adversarial nations and terrorist regimes. He called for the Senate to take up the Secure the Border Act passed by the House last spring and pledged not to agree to any deal that simply facilitates more illegal immigration. Johnson ended his speech by urging his colleagues to help force the administration to take action and secure the border.

Written by Staff Reports

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