
Judge Accuses Hunter Biden’s Lawyers of Misleading Court in Tax Evasion Case

A federal judge in California is raising eyebrows in the ongoing saga surrounding Hunter Biden, accusing the president’s son’s legal team of pulling some fast ones in court. U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi, appointed by none other than Donald Trump himself, has suggested that the attorneys are dancing around the truth in their filings aimed at getting their client off the hook for tax evasion. Imagine that—lawyers being less than truthful. Shocking!

In an era where legal loopholes and wordplay seem to be the favored dialect of the political elite, the judge critiqued Hunter’s lawyers for their claims that the investigation didn’t start heating up until Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss was tapped as the special counsel in August 2023. Scarsi came out swinging, asserting that such statements are false and, let’s be honest, likely born from pure wishful thinking.

This isn’t just a mere case of legal tap dancing—this is serious business. The judge recalled that Weiss had already charged Hunter with misdemeanor tax offenses well before he became a special counsel, dissolving their claims faster than a snowflake in July. As a result, Judge Scarsi has called on Hunter’s legal counsel to explain why they shouldn’t face sanctions for their misrepresentations. It seems like justice might be trying to catch up with the president’s son, even if the Biden legal team wishes otherwise.

Meanwhile, Hunter’s attorney Mark Geragos is most certainly leaving no stone unturned, claiming there’s nothing misleading in their statements. He argues that until Weiss donned the special counsel title, he couldn’t file tax charges in California. A classic case of “it’s not my fault” if ever there was one, and quite a stretch from the actual legal narrative.

This legal drama links back to a previous ruling by Judge Aileen Cannon regarding Trump’s prosecution, establishing a precedent that Hunter’s lawyers are attempting to leverage. But the irony of trying to use Trump’s legal troubles against him might be lost on those who are busy waving the flag for “fairness.” After all, if Biden’s defenders are convinced they can win against a backdrop of previous legal battles, one can’t help but wonder if they’ve been binge-watching courtroom dramas instead of studying actual law.

In case anyone needs a refresher, Hunter Biden was found guilty in Delaware of fibbing about his drug use on a federal form to buy a firearm—kind of a small detail for someone who occupies a spotlight in the White House family. Now, with at least $1.4 million in alleged unpaid taxes hanging over his head like a dark cloud, the stakes are getting higher. The tax case is scheduled for trial come September, and one can’t help but ask how many more legal acrobatics Hunter’s team has up their sleeves before the gavel finally comes down.

Written by Staff Reports

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