
Judge Signals Desire to Jail Trump: Unveiling Bias in January 6 Case

In a recent post on Truth Social, former President Donald Trump shared a quote from U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who is overseeing his 2020 election case. Trump highlighted her apparent bias against him as she expressed her frustration that he “remains free to this day.” It’s clear that Judge Chutkan has a personal vendetta against the former president.

Judge Chutkan made the quote during the sentencing of a January 6 protester named Christine Priola, who was ultimately sentenced to 15 months in prison. She remarked on the flags, signs, and clothing that the protesters were wearing, concluding that they were loyal to Trump rather than the U.S. Constitution. It’s outrageous that Judge Chutkan would make such a statement, completely disregarding the fact that these individuals were exercising their right to protest.

This is not the first time that Judge Chutkan has shown her bias. In 2021, she dismissed any comparison between the treatment of Capitol protesters and the Black Lives Matter rioters, claiming it was a “false equivalence.” She believes that the actions of January 6 protesters pose a greater threat to our democracy. This is a clear example of her left-wing agenda and her willingness to ignore the facts.

It’s concerning that Judge Chutkan has vowed to keep politics out of the proceedings, yet she warned Trump’s lawyer to be cautious in his public statements about the case. This is a blatant infringement on free speech and a clear attempt to control the narrative. Judge Chutkan should recuse herself from the case to ensure a fair trial.

It’s important to remember that Trump is innocent until proven guilty, and it’s unacceptable for a judge to demonstrate such bias against a defendant. This is a clear example of the persecution that Trump has faced since he announced his candidacy. We cannot let this injustice continue in America.

Written by Staff Reports

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