
Kamala Harris Leans on Hamas Claims Over Israeli Defense Efforts

Kamala Harris, seemingly desperate to court the radical anti-Israel vote, has once again leaped at the chance to wield dubious casualty figures from Hamas as a weapon against Israel. During a recent Israeli operation that reportedly targeted a Hamas headquarters cleverly disguised within the walls of a school and a mosque in Gaza, Harris chose to emphasize the inflated claims from a terrorist organization rather than rely on verified facts. It seems that accepting the word of genocidal extremists has become her latest political strategy.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) executed a precision strike, eliminating 19 Hamas terrorists who were using a children’s educational facility as their operational hub. But instead of acknowledging this decisive action, which aimed to neutralize a clear threat, Harris latched onto unverified casualty figures from the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry. This ministry has a long history of distorting the truth, yet the Vice President didn’t hesitate to play along with their narrative of tragedy, portraying Israel as the aggressor against innocents.

Harris, who speaks to the press less than a cat hides from vacuum cleaners, couldn’t resist a moment in the limelight last Saturday. In response to a question echoing Hamas’s claims of widespread civilian casualties, she quickly embraced the propaganda, reiterating her belief that while Israel has the right to defend itself, it must bear an “important responsibility” to prevent civilian casualties. However, anyone with even a basic understanding of the ongoing conflict knows Israel’s strikes are specifically aimed at the terrorists, not at families enjoying a friendly game of dodgeball.

When pressed further on the likelihood of civilian harm, Harris rambled about negotiations for hostages and the urgent need for ceasefires—despite Hamas’s consistent rejections of peace deals and blatant violations of any truce terms. It appears that Harris somehow believes terrorism is something that can be bargained away, all while ignoring the facts around the IDF’s care to minimize collateral damage. The IDF has gone to great lengths, even putting their own troops at risk, to protect Gazan civilians exploited as human shields by Hamas.

The glaring truth is that trusting data from the Gaza Health Ministry, which is as reliable as a used car salesman with a faulty odometer, is as foolish as pouring dollars into a black hole. Western media picked up these dubious claims immediately, showcasing either a lack of due diligence or a deliberate push to vilify Israel. On top of that, Harris’s connection to the radical elements within her party—and her apparent reticence to align with pro-Israel voices—has clearly raised eyebrows. It would appear her political calculations hinge not just on appeasing the radical left but on a broader anti-Israel sentiment that’s gaining traction among Democrats.

In an age where political leaders measure their worth by their stances on global issues, Kamala’s comments fit snugly into a worrying trend among Democrats who readily throw Israel under the bus in favor of appeasing jihadi factions. As the Biden-Harris administration continues to funnel taxpayer money into Hamas-controlled territories to the tune of millions, the implications of such policies reverberate far beyond political skirmishes. The growing pro-Hamas rhetoric within the Democratic Party signals a dangerous shift, and Harris’s latest antics are simply the latest chapter in this disturbing narrative.

Written by Staff Reports

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