
Kamala Harris Missing in Action as Trump Engages with Voters

The Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee appears to be in a game of hide-and-seek that only they can appreciate. It has been 11 days since President Joe Biden bowed out of the race, and Vice President Kamala Harris is noticeably absent from any campaign trail activities. Instead of connecting with voters and rallying support, Harris seems to be hunkering down, presumably waiting for the moment when it becomes fashionable to be seen again.

In stark contrast, former President Donald Trump has been as visible as ever, holding rallies and engaging with the public even before formally announcing his candidacy. This just goes to show the sharp divide in the campaigning styles of the two parties. While one candidate is out and about, sharing his vision with voters face-to-face, the other is effectively playing the role of a ghost, disappearing from public view when it counts the most.

As the Democratic National Convention looms just weeks away, Kamala Harris has yet to step up and prove she is capable of taking down the man she will likely face in the general election. Rather than tackling tough questions about her policies—which many Americans would love to hear—she has chosen to follow the advice of her mentor and dodge the media like a seasoned politician in training. Avoiding accountability and scrutiny seems to be the modus operandi for this barely-visible candidate.

Despite her silence, the reality is that her non-campaign campaign strategy mirrors that of Biden in 2020, who managed to coast through his election cycle while hunkered down in his basement. It’s almost like Harris is taking notes from the old playbook of “hide and hope for the best.” Sitting down for interviews and facing tough questions would require her to defend her policies, which have been, according to many, disastrous for average Americans.

Republicans, however, are warned not to underestimate Harris. Senator Mike Lee from Utah made it clear that she can be a formidable opponent when given the time to prepare and stick to scripted talking points. This is no surprise, considering the mainstream media’s willingness to gloss over her checkered past. Issues like her border oversight and moderate-to-liberal policy positions have been conveniently swept under the rug in favor of elevating her image. The truth is, the media will go to great lengths to reshape how voters perceive her, erasing her remarks on policing and climate policies as if they never happened.

As the world turns its attention to pressing matters, Harris continues to skillfully evade questions about her foreign policy insights unless they pertain to hot-button topics like abortion or racial equity—a space where she appears quite comfortable showcasing her perspectives. This behavior raises eyebrows and questions about whether she can truly step into the political spotlight and lead with substance rather than scripted platitudes. The countdown to the DNC is officially on, and it remains to be seen whether Harris will emerge from her self-imposed retreat or continue her irresponsible game of invisibility.

Written by Staff Reports

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