
Landrieu Rebuts Sanders Gaza-Vietnam Comparison Amid Biden Defense

Last week, Sen. Bernie Sanders made some comments about President Joe Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza, comparing it to the Vietnam War. However, Mitch Landrieu, a co-chairman for Biden’s campaign, disagrees with Sanders. He thinks that comparing the war in Gaza to the Vietnam War is an exaggeration. He said that the situations are very different, and while the war in Gaza is serious, it’s not comparable to Vietnam.

Landrieu also mentioned that there aren’t many good options to resolve the conflict between Israel and Hamas. He highlighted Biden’s efforts to call for a ceasefire, the release of hostages held by Hamas, and humanitarian aid for Gaza. Landrieu still believes that despite the disagreements on the war in Gaza, young people have “wonderful” reasons to support Biden, such as his stances on climate, freedoms, and relief for student debt.

The Washington Examiner reports that both sides have been upset with Biden’s response to the war in Gaza, with his approval rating on the issue standing at 39%, according to a Harvard-Harris poll. Additionally, anti-Israel protesters on college campuses have been demanding universities to divest from Israel, drawing comparisons to student protests against the Vietnam War.

Overall, this incident shows the divide in opinions over Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza, with some, like Sanders, being critical and others, like Landrieu, defending the president’s approach.

Written by Staff Reports

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