
Lara Trump Criticizes ABC Debate as Staged, Favors Harris Over Real Issues

Lara Trump has put it bluntly: the latest debate hosted by ABC News was a staged production, akin to a Hollywood performance featuring the party’s top actors. There’s no denying that former President Donald Trump is the only candidate who was present with real ideas and plans to make America great again, while his opponents delivered rehearsed lines better suited for an audition than an election.

The debate, which was reminiscent of a three-on-one match, left Trump defending himself against a barrage of attacks. It’s no secret that the media favors the left, and during this display, the moderators did everything but give Trump a chance to breathe. Lara Trump highlighted the absurdity of the situation, suggesting that the American people were depriving themselves of a genuine debate about the future by allowing Democrats to dictate the narrative with their phony theatrics.

Lara seemed perplexed as to why Vice President Kamala Harris avoided a debate with Trump on Fox News. One could speculate that the administration knows very well that a contest with Trump means confronting tough questions, and Harris might not be ready for any of that. Instead, she remains tucked away in the echo chamber of liberal media outlets, delivering scripted answers like a seasoned entertainer rather than proposing any substantive policy changes.

The performance of Harris, alongside ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis, has drawn criticism from many Republicans, who noted their apparent bias during the debate. The moderating duo failed to challenge Harris’s positions, and their one-sided fact-checking looked less like journalism and more like a coordinated effort to protect her from the tough questions she so desperately needs to answer. The American public isn’t fooled—viewers walked away recognizing that the so-called debate was just another act in the left’s ongoing charade. 


In the end, Lara Trump summed it up perfectly when emphasizing that Kamala Harris did nothing to convince voters that she deserves their support. With her scripted lines failing to resonate, the American people are left to wonder how many more productions they’ll have to endure before they see true leadership. It appears that in this theater of politics, the audience is demanding a different kind of show, one where ideas take center stage and authenticity shines above the flickering lights of the media circus.

Written by Staff Reports

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