
Lib Resistance Hits Burnout: Outraged No More?

The New York Times published an article all about the liberal #TheResistance movement and their struggles with “anti-Trump burnout.” These die-hard Trump-haters are apparently feeling so exhausted and worn out from their constant outrage against the former president. As a conservative, it’s honestly pretty amusing to see these folks who were once so high on their own supply now facing a major energy slump.

The Times highlighted how these resistance activists, who were once seen as the driving force behind the Democratic Party, are now feeling less motivated and passionate about their cause. It seems like all the hysteria over Trump’s supposed sins, from racism to treason, has finally caught up with them. It goes to show that keeping up a high level of outrage is not sustainable in the long run.

It’s almost comical to see these liberals admitting to feeling “burned out on outrage.” It’s like they’ve finally hit a wall after years of shouting from the rooftops about how the world is ending because of Trump. Perhaps they’re starting to realize that continually crying wolf about every little issue under the sun is not the most effective way to rally support for their cause.

The article also mentioned how a Pew poll found that a majority of Americans, not just the #TheResistance crowd, are feeling exhausted by politics. Maybe it’s a sign that people are getting tired of the constant stream of manufactured crises that the left has been peddling. It’s no surprise that all this fatigue is setting in, especially when Democrats have been exaggerating and exploiting every little problem to push their agenda.

Ultimately, it seems like the left’s strategy of using outrage and fear to mobilize their base is starting to backfire. As they continue to lose steam and struggle with burnout, it’s becoming clearer that their tactics are not resonating like they used to. Meanwhile, as they falter, conservatives like Trump are only gaining strength and support. Looks like the liberal resistance may need to rethink their approach if they want to stay relevant in the political arena.

Written by Staff Reports

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