
Liberal Media Hypes Up Failed Coup: Putin’s Power Still Unshaken!

The liberal media is at it again, hyping up a non-event as if it were the world’s biggest news story. Over the weekend, there was an attempted coup in Russia by the so-called “Wagner group”, a group of mercenaries allegedly supported by the Kremlin. But let’s be clear, this was no toppling of a government. The coup attempt was over before it even began, with none of the group’s objectives being achieved.

Despite the hype, the man behind the Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, meekly accepted exile in Belarus without a hint of resistance. He even had the gall to accuse Russia’s military leaders of being evil and corrupt. But let’s be honest, Prigozhin himself is hardly a model citizen, given his involvement in the group’s activities.

The real reason behind the coup attempt? Prigozhin didn’t want the Wagner group to be absorbed into the Russian military. He claimed that most of the group’s members refused to sign contracts with Russia’s defense minister and accused military commanders of incompetence. This is hardly a reason to try and overthrow the government.

It’s worth noting that Prigozhin’s Wagner group isn’t exactly an army in waiting. Its alleged 25,000 troops wouldn’t be enough to take over Russia’s capital, let alone the country as a whole. In fact, the group’s attempt to advance towards Moscow was halted by a withdrawal order on Saturday. This suggests that the group wasn’t even serious about the coup attempt.

So why is the media making such a big deal out of this? It’s hard to know. Maybe they’re trying to suggest that Putin’s grip on power is slipping. But let’s not forget, the Russian president was nowhere near the supposed coup attempt. He remains firmly in control of the country, despite what the liberal media might have you believe.

In summary, this was just another failed coup attempt that never really posed a threat to the Russian government. While the media might try to spin it as something more, the reality is that it was a non-event that has already been forgotten.

Written by Staff Reports

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