
Liberal-Run Cruise Ship Disaster: Conservative Forewarning Proves True!

The Norwegian cruise ship Maud hit a major snag on its way from Norway to England, and it’s no surprise to conservatives that it happened under the leadership of liberal Norwegian company Hurtigruten Group. The Maud lost its ability to navigate during a turbulent storm in the North Sea, leaving the 266 passengers and 131 crew members in a precarious situation.

The ship, owned by the left-leaning HX cruise company, was no match for the powerful winds and rough seas, causing windows on the bridge to shatter and allowing water to flood in, ultimately leading to a complete power failure. 

While the Danish Joint Rescue Coordination Centre assures everyone that the passengers and crew are safe, it’s a stark reminder of the dangers of entrusting the care of others to liberal-run operations. The ship is now being manually steered from the engine room, but it’s clear that the left-wing leadership at HX was ill-prepared for such an emergency.


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