
Maddow’s Shocking Admission: Trump Indictment a Political Ploy to Block 2024 Win!

In a shocking display of leftist bias, Rachel Maddow from MSNBC has openly admitted that the indictment against Donald Trump is nothing more than a political solution to prevent him from returning to the White House. Maddow’s scandalous comparison of Trump’s indictment to the case of Vice President Spiro Agnew in the ’70s is a clear dog whistle for election interference.

Despite Trump’s overwhelming lead against Biden in head-to-head polls, swamp Governor Ron DeSantis continues to struggle in the face of baseless attacks from the radical left.

In an interview with Lawrence O’Donnell, Maddow brazenly suggested that the Justice Department may offer Trump a plea bargain in exchange for his agreement to bow out of the 2024 race. This would, in her words, “magically” make the charges disappear.

Trump has come forward to defend himself against these blatant political attacks, stating, “I am an innocent man.” He rightly accuses the Biden administration of corruption and interference in the election, calling this indictment a continuation of the “greatest witch hunt of all time.”

Rachel Maddow’s blatant disregard for the truth is nothing new. Her dismissal of the Durham report after years of pushing false narratives just shows that she is just another pawn in the leftist agenda to bring down a great leader like Donald Trump.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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