
Maryland Schools Charge Parents $18K for Opt-Out Policy Records

Maryland School District Demands Hefty Payment from Parental Rights Organization for Access to Public Records

In a shocking display of arrogance and disregard for parental rights, a Maryland school district is demanding an exorbitant amount of money from a parental rights organization in exchange for access to public records. The organization, called Parents Defending Education (PDE), is dedicated to protecting the rights of parents who believe in traditional values and want a say in what their children are taught in schools.

According to reports, PDE filed a public records request with the Montgomery County Public Schools regarding its opt-out policy for lessons on sex and gender. It seems that the school system initially allowed families to opt-out of these controversial lessons, but later decided to reverse course, leaving many parents concerned and frustrated.

Nicki Neily, the president and founder of PDE, submitted a request for all records related to the opt-in and opt-out measures between April 1 and August 2, 2023. However, instead of complying with this reasonable request in a timely manner, the school system’s communications director, Christopher Cram, responded with arrogance and condescension.

Cram informed Neily that due to her refusal to narrow the scope of her request, it would cost her a jaw-dropping $18,290.96 and take until October to fulfill. This is an outrageous amount of money to charge a concerned citizen who is simply seeking transparency and accountability from the school system.

It’s no wonder that parents have lost trust in the education system when they are met with such disdain and disregard for their concerns. The fact that the school system would rather charge exorbitant fees than provide the information requested raises serious questions about what they have to hide.

This incident highlights a disturbing trend in our education system – a lack of transparency and a blatant disregard for parental rights. While the school system may claim to be promoting diversity and inclusivity, they are clearly shutting out the voices of concerned parents who simply want the best for their children.

This is not the first time that Montgomery County Public Schools has come under fire for its policies regarding parental rights. Just recently, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against three parents who challenged a policy that kept them in the dark about their children’s gender identity. This ruling essentially denies parents the right to be informed and involved in their children’s lives.

It is alarming to see our courts and schools working hand in hand to undermine the rights of parents. Parents should not have to wait until their children have been subjected to harmful ideologies before they can voice their concerns. This is a clear attack on the fundamental right of parents to raise their children according to their own values and beliefs.

It is time for parents to stand up and fight back against these oppressive policies. We must demand transparency and accountability from our school systems and hold them to a higher standard. Our children’s future is at stake, and we must not allow the education system to erode our values and infringe upon our parental rights.

Written by Staff Reports

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