
McCarthy Crushes CRT in Military: NDAA Victory for GOP & America!

In a stunning feat of Republican unity and determination, Speaker Kevin McCarthy successfully pushed through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in the House of Representatives. With the support of four Democrats, McCarthy was able to deliver on his promise to the American people and take a stand against the harmful ideology infiltrating our military.

The NDAA aims to remove the divisive Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Marxist-leaning teachings that have infiltrated the Department of Defense and its military schools. These woke measures have not only harmed morale among our brave service members but have also hindered their ability to protect our great nation. By banning CRT and ending the overreach of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, we are restoring the focus on readiness and ensuring our military remains the strongest in the world.

One of the most important victories of the NDAA is the repeal of the unnecessary Chief Diversity Officer position within the Pentagon. This move chips away at the bloated bureaucracy and ensures that taxpayer dollars are not wasted on politically biased programs. Additionally, the bill prohibits the Pentagon from contracting with advertising firms that blacklist conservative news sources, a crucial step in protecting free speech and fair representation of all perspectives.

The NDAA also includes provisions to protect parental rights and prevent the indoctrination of our children in DoD schools. Parents will have the right to review curriculum and provide consent before any medical exams or screenings take place. This ensures that our military families can trust that their children are receiving a well-rounded education that aligns with their values.

While the passage of the NDAA is a significant win for Speaker McCarthy and the Republican caucus, the fight is not over. The bill now heads to the Senate, where the Democrat-controlled body will undoubtedly attempt to strip away the amendments that matter most to the American people. We must remain vigilant and hold our elected representatives accountable to ensure that the Senate does not undermine the progress made in the House.

It is refreshing to see Republicans fulfilling their promises and putting the needs of our military and the American people first. The passage of the NDAA is proof that conservative leadership is committed to safeguarding our national security, promoting fiscal responsibility, and preserving our cherished values. Speaker McCarthy and his colleagues have shown that they have the strength, determination, and integrity needed to protect and advance the interests of our great nation. Now it is up to patriotic Americans to continue supporting their efforts and demanding accountability from our elected officials.

Written by Staff Reports

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