
McCarthy Exposes CNN Hypocrisy: McCabe Leaks OK, But Not Trump’s?

On Capitol Hill, Kevin McCarthy of the Republican party challenged a CNN reporter who tried to defend the network’s hypocrisy regarding the leaking of classified documents. During the exchange, McCarthy highlighted Andrew McCabe’s employment with CNN, which the reporter claimed was a different set of facts. However, McCarthy reminded her that McCabe was fired from the FBI for leaking classified documents and questioned why CNN continued to employ him and other questionable people like Clapper, who lied to the American public continuously. The Speaker pointed out that it was wrong to weaponize networks, and it is even worse to do so when the government is already weaponized.

Many people do not like McCarthy because of his association with the conservative agenda, but his defense against the press is commendable. He has a way of confronting the press that many other leaders like Mitch McConnell fail to exhibit, and his straightforward approach is quite refreshing. McCarthy is right on the criticism of CNN and McCabe. The reporter who tried to deflect the conversation was wrong because Trump was accused of precisely what McCabe was accused of doing, misleading law enforcement.

Although McCabe was found not guilty, it was apparent that the federal government would always protect its own even when ignoring blatant criminality. McCarthy’s point is simple: if it is okay for CNN to hire and retain people like McCabe, who can prove to have broken the law, why should it be out of bounds to defend Trump? None of this should be acceptable, and McCarthy has shown that he is not afraid to call them out on their hypocrisy. If CNN wants to talk about it, let’s talk about it.

Written by Staff Reports

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