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NBA Owners Have ‘More Than $10 Billion Tied Up In China,’ Says A Report

Following Daryl Morey’s support for freedom in Hong Kong, the NBA has become known for neglecting to speak out against the CCP’s atrocities.

In fact, it appears like the NBA will go to any length to retain the money coming in from Beijing. Fans could now understand why.

In a piece regarding NBA owners with money in China, ESPN reported the following:

The owners had reason to stay quiet: In addition to the money their teams derive from the NBA’s $5 billion business in China, many have significant personal stakes there through their other businesses.

ESPN examined the investments of 40 principal owners and found that they collectively have more than $10 billion tied up in China — including one owner whose company has a joint venture with an entity that has been sanctioned by the U.S. government.

Is anyone surprised by this report? Is there anyone on the globe who is surprised that NBA owners apparently have a lot of money in China?

You are not paying attention if you are surprised. The NBA will do all it takes to ensure that the CCP’s spigot continues to run freely and heavily.

When Daryl Morey was chastised for supporting Hong Kong, the NBA had a perfect opportunity to stand up for freedom. It was an excellent opportunity to remind folks that there are things in life that are more important than money.

Instead, the NBA did nothing, and LeBron James famously stated that the First Amendment had repercussions.

This is America, and while I’m all for making money and getting rich, I’m not for doing so while supporting a government that commits atrocities. The NBA should be ashamed for bending the knee to the NBA, and NBA owners should be ashamed for doing business with a country that is not our friend.

Written by Staff Reports

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