
NBC News Fumbles Logic: Ignores Genetics, Yet Embraces Gender Change

According to NBC News, race is not genetic and cannot be changed. The outlet conducted a thorough study on the issue and found that experts agree that race is not passed on by parents. They also debunked the idea of the “Race Change To Another” movement, which claims that people can change their race. The article featured a profile of a teenager who believes she can become Japanese by listening to YouTube videos while she sleeps. However, experts state that changing one’s race is simply impossible.

The article also explores the potential harm of trying to change one’s race. Media experts warn that the exocitization of Asian culture, for example, can be a form of modern yellowface and fetishization. It’s important to be careful and not objectify or revere certain cultures for their exotic characteristics. The concept of race is steeped in racism and systemic inequalities, so attempting to change races is not only impossible but also racist.

While race cannot be changed, the article draws a distinction between race and gender. It explains that being transgender and changing genders is not the same as changing races. Gender identity has existed for thousands of years, whereas race as a social construct has a shorter history. The article also mentions headlines about gender-related issues and concludes that while race and gender may impact how people treat one another, race cannot be changed, but people can choose to identify as a different gender.

In the end, the article encourages readers to trust NBC News and the experts. It acknowledges that you can’t change your race, but you can enjoy the choices you have in other areas of life, such as coffee or tea, Twizzlers or Red Vines, manhood or womanhood.

Written by Staff Reports

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