
Nebraska’s Mom and Daughter Show What NOT to Do In an Abortion

In Nebraska, women can get an abortion up until the 20th week of pregnancy. After that point, they are against the law. Now, in addition to these rules, there are a few others. You are required to visit a doctor or other medical professional who is licensed to perform abortions.

A mother and her daughter in Nebraska made the decision that they were going to disobey every rule in the state, as well as pick up a few more infractions along the way. And all of this occurred as a direct result of the fact that the daughter was already 23 weeks along in her pregnancy. At that moment, she had the choice of waiting for further 14 or more weeks to give birth to the kid and then placing the infant for adoption. Alternately, they may have made the trip to a state where it was legal to obtain an abortion at a later stage of the game and done it there.

To put it mildly, what they did was unpleasant in more ways than one. Prepare yourselves…

A mother named Jessica Burgess, who is 41 years old, assisted her daughter Celeste, who is 18 years old, in carrying out an abortion at home. They did not have the assistance of a qualified medical professional, and they did not dispose of the fetus in the appropriate manner.

Both the mother and the daughter have been arrested and charged with a variety of offenses, the most serious of which is the covering up of a death.

According to an article that was published in Forbes, the mother had procured abortion pills for her daughter and provided her with instructions on how to take them.

After thereafter, the narrative descended into complete chaos, culminating with the fetus being secretly buried in Madison County, Nebraska, with the assistance of Tanner Barnhill, who was 22 years old at the time. The home belongs to his parents, who are the owners.

According to the court documents, once the body was recovered by detectives, the fetus displayed symptoms consistent with "thermal wounds." The Burgess sisters, Jessica and Celeste, were accused of setting fire to the fetus at that point.

There was a substantial quantity of evidence that pointed in the mother and daughter's direction, and it all added up. Their first explanation, which was that their daughter had an abortion, did not hold up. And even if she did have a miscarriage, there are still medical procedures that should be done so that a fetus is not buried, and especially not burned. This is to avoid the possibility of the embryo being accidentally destroyed.

The Burgesses were finally charged in the Madison County District Court after being accused of illegally executing an abortion. The charge was brought against them by the state. In Nebraska, it is a felony offense to perform an abortion beyond 20 weeks of pregnancy or to perform one without a valid license.

Barnhill and the Burgesses have both entered not guilty pleas in this matter. It is currently unknown whether or not they have legal representation, nor can anyone say for certain how this situation will be resolved.

The fact that this trial is taking place in the wake of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade makes it an especially intriguing one. It helps to give credence to the concerns that women living in Republican-controlled states may be denied access to abortion services.

Will there be further cases similar to what happened with the Burgesses as a result of the restriction of access to abortion services? Let's hope not. And the events that took place in Nebraska need to serve as a lesson to everyone that they should never try to execute an abortion in their own homes. There are certain states in which it is legal, which is good news for people who feel as though they have no other choices.

Those who become pregnant, on the other hand, will eventually have to face the consequences of the decisions they made in the past. The majority of pregnant women are aware of their pregnancy by the 23-week mark. They are about to enter the third trimester of their pregnancy. There would have been multiple missed menstrual cycles as a result. There were warnings, and the Burgesses ought to have taken action a great deal earlier than they really did.

The Republican governor of Nebraska, Pete Ricketts, has stated that he would not request a vote on legislation that would prohibit abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Since there is not enough support for an additional restriction, he intends to keep it at the 20-week point for the time being.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on American Retirement Insider.

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