
Netanyahu Rejects Ceasefire, Vows Hamas Eradication!

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has made it clear that there will be no ceasefire in the conflict with Hamas until the terrorist group is completely destroyed. Netanyahu emphasized that Israel did not start the war, but they will win it. He condemned the “horrors” inflicted by Hamas on October 7 and stated that Israel will not surrender to terrorism by agreeing to a ceasefire.

Of course, the far left and their progressive allies are quick to call for Israel to halt its offensive against Hamas. They accuse Israel of committing “war crimes” and claim that innocent Palestinian civilians are being punished for the actions of the terrorist group. But let’s not forget that Hamas has openly declared its goal of eliminating the Jewish presence in Israel and is willing to sacrifice its own civilians to achieve this objective.

The truth is, Hamas poses the greatest threat to peace in the Middle East because their only objective is to wage war against Israel. Israel cannot simply put their guns away and expect everything to work out. It is essential for Israel to continue its efforts to eliminate this vicious terrorist group. Anyone who wants peace in the region should recognize this reality.

Let’s support Prime Minister Netanyahu as he stands up against the barbarism of Hamas. This is a war for our common future, a battle between the forces of civilization and the forces of barbarism. Israel must fight until Hamas is nothing more than a distant memory.

Written by Staff Reports

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