
Newsom Spreads Fake News, Fails to Troll Red State Over ‘Banned Books’ Again

Governor Gavin Newsom of California just can’t seem to help himself when it comes to trying to troll red states. Instead of focusing on the numerous issues plaguing his own state, he decided to take a trip to Boise, Idaho to spread misinformation about “banned books.” In a tweet, Newsom claimed that book bans are at a record high, with over 1,200 challenges in the last year. But let’s be clear here, these so-called “book bans” are simply laws being passed to protect children from inappropriate material. It’s not about banning books altogether.

It’s interesting to see Newsom and the left constantly trying to change the meaning of words to fit their narrative. They want everyone to believe that these laws are an attack on literature and freedom of speech. But the truth is, all of these books are still available to anyone who wants to read them. It’s just about making sure that children aren’t exposed to explicit content that is too mature for their age. And let’s not forget that these laws are being passed in response to the concerns of parents who don’t want their children exposed to graphic sexual content or indoctrinated with certain ideologies.

Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, brilliantly exposed this hypocrisy when he was accused of “banning books.” He read aloud some of the material in question, and it was so explicit that the media had to cut their feeds. This just goes to show that these books are not appropriate for young children, and it’s absurd to suggest otherwise. But Gavin Newsom seems to think that it’s perfectly fine for little kids to be reading hardcore content that is too explicit for television.

Meanwhile, California is facing a multitude of issues—businesses are leaving, homelessness is out of control, crime is skyrocketing, and drugs are ravaging communities. Newsom should be focusing on fixing these problems instead of trying to school red states and their governors. It’s clear that he has an odd obsession with Ron DeSantis, but his attempts to troll him just make him look silly. The people of California would be better off if Newsom stayed in his lane and worked on solving the issues plaguing his own state instead of trying to score political points in other states.

Written by Staff Reports

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