
Pennsylvanians Declare War on Greedy Landlords’ Rampant Rent Hikes

The residents of Douglass Village in Berks County, Pennsylvania, are taking a stand against the big corporate bullies who are trying to jack up their land rents. These hardworking folks, many of whom are seniors on fixed incomes, are fighting for their right to affordable housing. They own their manufactured homes, but not the land underneath them, and they are tired of being taken advantage of by out-of-state management companies.

After Kingsley Management swooped in and bought their community, these folks watched in horror as their rent skyrocketed by a whopping 13% in just one year. That’s like trying to buy a candy bar and being charged the price of a steak dinner – completely outrageous! But these residents aren’t sitting idly by and letting these corporate fat cats trample all over them. No siree! They’ve banded together and are taking their fight all the way to the Pennsylvania state legislature.

Senator Judy Schwank and Representative Liz Hanbidge are leading the charge with Senate Bill 861 and House Bill 805, which would put a damper on these ridiculous rent hikes. The legislation would cap yearly land rent increases and require six months’ notice before any price gouging takes place. That sounds like pretty common-sense stuff to me!

Even conservative hero Rep. Mark Gillen has thrown his support behind these hardworking Pennsylvanians. When he visited Douglass Village, he saw firsthand the impact these rent hikes are having on the residents. Disabled veterans and frail elderly individuals are being hit hard by these increases, and it’s just plain un-American!

The residents aren’t just twiddling their thumbs and hoping for the best, though. They’re forming coalitions all across the state and planning visits to Harrisburg to make sure their voices are heard loud and clear. Bob Besecker, co-chair of the Rent Issues Committee, has been leading the charge. He’s seen his own rent jump $75 a month for the past two years – that’s like getting hit with a surprise bill for a fancy dinner every single month!

But this fight isn’t just about money. It’s about the real people who are struggling to make ends meet. Take Donna Bucelli, for instance. She and her husband moved into Douglass Village for a peaceful, stress-free life. But when her husband passed away and the new management cranked up the rent, she started to worry if she could afford to stay in her own home. She’s not asking for a handout, just a fair shot at keeping the life she’s built for herself.

The residents aren’t just fighting for themselves; they’re fighting for all Pennsylvanians who could be in the same boat down the road. They’re using social media and community networks to spread the word and make sure everyone knows they’re not going to back down until they get the fair treatment they deserve. And you know what? That’s the kind of grassroots American spirit we can all get behind!

Written by Staff Reports

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