
Pete Buttigieg Left STUTTERING When Asked About Forcing Biden Out Of Office

There is not the slightest bit of doubt in anyone's mind that Joe Biden lacks the intellectual capacity necessary to manage the United States of America.

His flubs are too plentiful, too flagrant, and frankly, too harmful at a time when the globe appears to be crumbling under the load of global socialism.

Concerns regarding Joe Biden's mental health have been aired by a number of Republican lawmakers, and with good reason. Democrats have even started to question whether or not the mentally impaired president is genuinely capable of serving out the rest of his tenure in office.

In an effort to deflect questions from Republican Representative Troy Nehls, Transportation Sec Pete Buttigieg stated in his testimony on Wednesday that Joe Biden "is a vigorous colleague or boss as I have ever had the pleasure of working with."

After first revealing the several instances in which it appeared as though Slow Joe was just not all there, Nehls questioned Buttigieg about whether or not members of the Cabinet have had private conversations about invoking the 25th Amendment upon President Biden.

The 25th Amendment would make it possible for the president to be forced out of office in the event that the vice president, a majority of Cabinet members, or a group constituted by Congress deem him or her to be unfit for the position.

Buttigieg had been told by Nehls that Biden had a habit of falling off bicycles and shaking hands with ghosts and fictitious persons.

The Transportation Secretary, on the other hand, was not entirely forthright about the worries he had over Biden's mental health.

Buttigieg responded that he was glad to have a leader able to ride a bike, seemingly ignoring the time when President Joe Biden fell off a bicycle.

In addition, Nehls provided the committee with photographs of Biden accompanied by humorous captions that made fun of a speech that the president delivered a month ago in which he fumbled through certain portions of his delivery. The Republican from Texas was surrounded by people who submitted images of President Joe Biden posing with the Easter Bunny at the White House.

The frequent slip-ups, stutters, and linguistic gaffes that Biden, who is 79 years old, has been known to make have led some to question his cognitive abilities. Aside from the undeniable signs of mental deterioration displayed by Biden, Republicans have even more compelling grounds to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Following the aftermath of the United States' withdrawal from Afghanistan, which resulted in the deaths of thirteen American service members and the injuries of hundreds of civilians, Republican Senator Rick Scott of Florida urged for the employment of this weapon in 2021. It has been suggested that a depleted economy and the continuous sponsorship of a foreign proxy war are both valid reasons to remove President Joe Biden from office.

Written by Staff Reports

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