
Poll: Donald Trump Leads Crowded 2024 Republican Primary by 30 Points

A new Emerson College poll shows that Donald Trump has a 30-point lead over his nearest competitor for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. The former president now has a majority of support among the party's voters.

A survey conducted after President Donald Trump's visit to East Palestine showed that he has now become the majority leader in the Republican primary. Support for Trump now stands at 55 percent, up from 25 percent for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

The poll also shows that Trump and his potential rival, Congressman Ron DeSantis, are the only two candidates who can break into double digits. Trump launched his campaign for the presidency in November of last year. DeSantis has been actively considering a run as he has been holding events in Illinois and New York.

Although DeSantis has not ruled out a run for the presidency, he has said that he will not make a decision until after the Florida legislature's spring session ends. This could give him a timetable of around May or June.

The Emerson College poll showed that Mike Pence, who was the former vice president, received only 8 percent of the support of the respondents. Nikki Haley, who was the US ambassador to the UN, received 5 percent. Tim Scott, who is also considering a run, received 2 percent. Other potential candidates such as South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan received one percent each. Chris Sununu of New Hampshire got 0.4 percent.

The survey also showed that Trump is the only declared Republican candidate who can beat US President Joe Biden, the former vice president. With Biden at 42 percent and Trump at 46 percent, the former president leads the former by four percent. On the other hand, DeSantis trails Biden by four percent. This means that Biden's lead over the Florida governor is within the poll's margin of error of error.

The poll showed that Biden leads over former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley by a margin of three percentage points.

The poll was conducted by Emerson College from February 24 to 25. It had a margin of error of 2.9 percent.

The Emerson poll is the latest indication that former President Joe Biden is holding a significant lead over the Republican presidential candidates.

A separate poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports showed that 52 percent of the respondents support Trump, while only 24% support Congressman Ron DeSantis. Only 15 percent of the respondents support former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

A Harris/Capgemini poll conducted earlier this month revealed that Donald Trump leads Ron DeSantis by a margin of 23 percentage points. The president received 46 percent of the respondents' support. DeSantis got 23 percent, which is half of Trump's total support.

Only three people have officially declared their intention to run for the presidency in the Republican primary. These are Trump, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, and author and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on BREITBART.

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