
Poll Shows Trump Poised for Landslide Victory Over Biden

A recent Rasmussen Reports poll is sending shivers down liberal spines everywhere. Apparently, the more opposition former President Donald Trump faces, the bigger his lead over President Joe Biden becomes. Should this trend hold, Trump could saunter into office with a victory margin worthy of a landslide.

It’s almost hilarious to think about, but the last president to triumph with double-digit numbers was conservative icon Ronald Reagan. In 1984, Reagan trounced Walter Mondale with an 18.2 percent lead, making it an election night Mondale would surely rather forget. Fast forward to today, and Trump seems poised to follow in those legendary footsteps, with the Rasmussen poll suggesting Trump would take on Biden 49 percent to 40 percent in a head-to-head clash.

The poll gets even juicier when Green Party’s Jill Stein and indie wildcards Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornell West enter the fray. Here, Trump’s lead over Biden stretches to a robust 10-point margin, clocking in at 46 percent to Biden’s meager 36 percent. And let’s not kid ourselves, even with a margin of error of three points, the writing’s on the wall for Sleepy Joe.

But liberals can always dream. A recent Fox News poll of registered voters dared to give Biden a two-point lead—bless their hearts. However, for voters who are passionately itching to hit the polls, Trump flips the script, claiming a three-point lead. Talk about a plot twist!

Over the weekend, Trump made a grand appearance at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s annual Road to Majority conference, rallying his base like only he can. He pointed out that evangelicals and Christians need to realize that going to church isn’t enough—they’ve got to vote, too. His message was crystal clear: If they appear in droves, Biden’s days in the Oval Office are numbered.

Never one to mince words, Trump vowed no more federal overreach targeting Americans of faith, something that struck a chord amid memories of pandemic-era crackdowns. Adding a flourish to his fiery rhetoric, Trump pledged the “largest deportation operation in American history” to commence on day one of his second term.

Labeling Biden a “crooked” and “incompetent” Marxist, Trump didn’t hold back. He called on Christian voters to come out in unprecedented numbers and deliver a straightforward message to Biden: “You’re fired.” Given how things are shaping up, it seems plenty of Americans are more than ready to deliver that pink slip.

Written by Staff Reports

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