
Recall Fever Hits Soros-Funded Prosecutor in California!

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price is finding herself in hot water as a group of concerned citizens has filed a notice of intent to recall her. It seems that Price, with the backing of leftwing billionaire George Soros, has been accused of being too lenient on crime and engaging in nepotism. And it’s not just baseless accusations – crime rates in the area have been skyrocketing.

According to the latest crime report, there has been a disturbing 10% increase in overall crime in Oakland. And if that’s not bad enough, property and violent crime in Berkeley have reached a 10-year high. No wonder the Oakland NAACP is calling for a state of emergency!

But it’s not just the rising crime rates that have residents outraged. Apparently, it takes significantly longer for police to respond to high-priority incidents, with the average response time increasing by over 50%. This is unacceptable!

It’s no wonder that the group seeking Price’s recall, Save Alameda for Everyone (SAFE), is determined to remove her from office. The safety of their families is at stake, and they believe Price is failing to protect them. They accuse her of hiring her boyfriend in her office and giving him a hefty salary, all while keeping their relationship under wraps. Talk about favoritism!

But perhaps the most damning accusation against Price is her reputation for being “soft on crime.” Victims and their families are speaking out, sharing their heartbreaking stories and demanding change. One widow, Virginia Nishita, whose husband was murdered in 2021, implores Price to think about the victims and their families. She reminds Price that she is the district attorney, not the public defender. It’s her responsibility to ensure justice is served.

And it seems that the concerns of the citizens are not unfounded. Lorie Moh, whose son was killed during a Home Depot theft, fears that Price will go easy on her son’s murderer. She claims that Price is only charging the perpetrator with possession of a gun, despite the fact that the gun was used in the shooting. It’s a frustrating and heartbreaking situation for Moh and countless others who have been affected by Price’s questionable decisions.

To make matters worse, Price has received significant financial support from George Soros, who poured over $130,000 into her campaign. With Soros’s backing, it’s no surprise that Price has faced accusations of being influenced by his agenda.

This recall effort against Price is just another example of the growing dissatisfaction with reform-minded prosecutors. It seems that Soros’s attempt to reshape the criminal justice system is facing resistance in California. And rightfully so! Californians are tired of being soft on crime and want prosecutors who will prioritize their safety and well-being.

It remains to be seen how this recall effort will play out, but one thing is clear – people are fed up with Price’s actions. They want a district attorney who will take crime seriously and hold offenders accountable. Let’s hope that justice prevails and the citizens of Alameda County get the representation they deserve.

Written by Staff Reports

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