
Rev. Graham Exposes Left’s War on Christianity: Can’t Silence Us

Rev. Franklin Graham, the renowned leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, gave a dire warning to Christians at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention in Orlando, Florida. Graham referred to a “looming crisis” that he believes is threatening churches and ministries across the United States.

“We are living in a cancel culture that wants to destroy Christian organizations,” Graham warned. “If you preach the Gospel and talk about sin, they will try to shut you up. We cannot back down, we cannot retreat, and we cannot apologize for the Gospel.”

Graham emphasized just how quickly the world had deteriorated in recent years and urged Christians to prepare themselves for the storm ahead. He stated that Christians in the United States need to be watchful and not be deceived or fooled by the secular world.

According to Graham, cancel culture is becoming more aggressive and is putting Christian organizations in danger. The left wants to silence Christians and destroy their message, but Graham urged listeners to be brave and continue to proclaim the Gospel, regardless of the consequences.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a potential presidential candidate in the Republican primaries, also made an appearance at the convention. He discussed the importance of supporting families, protecting children, and defending religious liberty.

The NRB International Christian Media Convention is the largest gathering of Christian communicators and ministry professionals in the world. This event is the perfect opportunity to learn hands-on skills and strategies from the largest Christian media companies in the world and network with fellow Christian communicators.

Rev. Graham’s warning is a strong reminder that Christians must stand firm in their faith and continue to boldly proclaim the Gospel in the face of a hostile secular culture.

Source: Trending Politics

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