
RINO Riggleman Aids Hunter Biden: Swamp Creatures Unite!

Well, well, well, it appears that another so-called "Republican" has revealed their true colors. Former Representative Denver Riggleman, or should we say "RINO Riggleman," has decided to join the legal team of Hunter Biden. Can you imagine it? The brazenness!

According to The Daily Caller, Riggleman is knee-deep in the financial and laptop data issues of the president's son. As a detective, he is analyzing all the data discovered on Hunter Biden's laptop. Why? Due to a congressional investigation into the favorable arrangement he received from the Department of Justice. Discuss corruption!

However, this is not the first time Riggleman has revealed his true nature. He was also a technical advisor for the House's January 6th Committee. And are you aware of what he did? He penned an entire book on the subject, alleging that the January 6 riot was all related to QAnon conspiracies. Let us off the hook, Riggleman. We are all aware that the true peril to American democracy comes from extremists on the left.

Let's not forget that Riggleman was defeated by a staggering 16 points in the 2020 Republican primary. His opponent, Bob Good, characterized him as "out of step with the party's base." Indeed, he was correct. Riggleman is cozying up to Hunter Biden, whereas the rest of us conservatives are fighting against the administration's corruption and falsehoods.

Riggleman stated in a statement that he and his team were collecting "data across the spectrum." What even does that mean? It sounds like a load of nonsense to me. However, one of Hunter Biden's attorneys had the audacity to refer to Riggleman as a "invaluable resource." Please refrain from melodrama.

Let's not forget the 2020 presidential election debacle in which Joe Biden's campaign enlisted national security experts to assert that the laptop's contents were all Russian disinformation. The authenticity of the laptop data has been confirmed by major media agencies, but these so-called "experts" have no regrets. Even one of the signatories, James Clapper, acknowledged they lacked concrete evidence of Russian involvement. However, they persist in their false narrative.

This is yet another instance of swamp creatures emerging from the depths to defend their own. Riggleman ought to feel humiliated for assisting Hunter Biden's legal team. It is obvious where his allegiance lies, and it is not with the conservative constituency. We need genuine conservatives who will defend our values and not abandon us when it is expedient. Disgraceful, Riggleman.

Written by Staff Reports

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