
Rocky Mountain Rejection: Biden’s Favor Takes a Dive in Colorado!

President Joe Biden’s popularity in the liberal stronghold of Colorado has taken a nose dive just before the state’s primary next month. The latest poll by Global Strategy Group, which surveyed 801 registered voters in the state, has exposed Biden’s declining favorability. Among registered voters, only 40% view Biden favorably, with a whopping 58% holding an unfavorable view of the Democratic president.

Despite this drop, Biden still remains more popular than former President Donald Trump in the Centennial State. Only 36% of voters favor the Republican front-runner, while a landslide 62% hold a negative view of him. It seems the Rocky Mountain folks are not too keen on Trump’s brand of politics.

In the 2020 election, Biden won Colorado with 55.4% of the vote, while Trump managed to muster a mere 41.9%. However, the margins were much closer in 2016, with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton securing Colorado with 47.2% of the vote compared to Trump’s 44.4%. It looks like Colorado is becoming a bit less blue, which has some Democrats worried.

Looking ahead to the November election, 49% of those surveyed say they would support Biden, with 41% favoring Trump. This shows that Biden’s lead over Trump has shrunk by 5.5 points since 2020. Looks like the tides might be turning in Colorado.

The state is also at the center of a Supreme Court case that will determine whether Trump is eligible to appear on the state’s Republican primary ballot. In a December ruling, the Colorado Supreme Court sided with voters who argued that Trump couldn’t hold office due to his alleged involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot. Colorado voters cited Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which prohibits anyone who has “engaged in insurrection” from holding office. It seems the folks in Colorado are taking a stand against any funny business.

The Global Strategy Group survey also found that 56% approve of the Colorado court’s ruling, while 44% disapprove. Sixty-one percent of Colorado voters believe that Trump engaged in insurrection three years ago, while 40% think he did not. It seems like the people in Colorado are not buying Trump’s act.

The poll, conducted from Jan. 22-28, has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. It looks like Biden might have some work to do if he wants to keep Colorado in the blue column come election time.

Written by Staff Reports

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