
SCOTUS Justice Tells Law Students: Blindly Accept Liberal Agenda

Justice Sonia Sotomayor is back at it, encouraging young, impressionable law students to blindly accept their liberal agenda and work towards changing recent Supreme Court opinions they disagree with. Delivering her remarks virtually to Fordham Law School’s Robert L. Levine Distinguished Lecture Series, Sotomayor made it clear that she believes justices are just people who can get laws wrong. What happened to respecting the rule of law and upholding the Constitution, Justice Sotomayor?

Although Sotomayor did mention mistakes made by justices in the past, such as maintaining segregation in Plessy v. Ferguson, she conveniently ignored any recent “wrong” decisions made by the court, making it clear that she was pushing her own agenda. It’s understandable though; with the current conservative makeup of the Supreme Court, Justice Sotomayor must be feeling pretty disillusioned herself.

But instead of accepting the fact that sometimes, the law does not align with a personal agenda, Sotomayor encouraged students to become “champions of change” by fighting the battle they believe in, sidelining their responsibility to uphold the law in its true form.

Sotomayor wasn’t the only Justice speaking to law students recently; Justice Brett Kavanaugh met with members of Columbia University’s Federalist Society in February. This sparked outrage from students and alumni, who accused Kavanaugh of having a “credibly accused sexual assault” and questioned his ability to make decisions regarding women’s bodily autonomy. This is the same Justice who was subjected to a brutal and disgusting character assassination orchestrated by desperate Democrats during his Senate confirmation process.

It’s clear that the legal profession in America has a few challenges to tackle in the coming years. Maintaining the public’s trust in the profession is a priority for Sotomayor, but with mass heckling and shouting down at speaking events, the idea of trust on the left seems long gone.

It’s clear that Sotomayor’s remarks are really just an attempt to push the liberal, politically correct agenda onto young law students, to ensure future generations of lawyers will lean more to the left. But hopefully, law students will take Sotomayor’s call to action with a grain of salt, and realize that their job as lawyers is to uphold the law in its true form, not advocate for their own personal desires.

Written by Staff Reports

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