
Senator Reveals TONS Of Evidence Against Biden Crime Family

According to Senator Chuck Grassley, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is in possession of voluminous information from congressional whistleblowers that implicates members of the Biden family company in wrongdoing (R-IA).

According to reports, the Justice Department has postponed its "final judgment" over whether or not Hunter would be prosecuted for alleged tax and gun-related offenses due to the fact that he has been abusing drugs. The altered mental condition that Hunter appeared to be in did not appear to have any negative influence on his ability to offer access to President Joe Biden via business ties with Chinese and Ukrainian businesses, according to critics of the president's family.

According to recent protected disclosures made to the senator's office, the FBI has within its hands significant, impactful, and extensive material with respect to potential criminal conduct by Hunter Biden and James Biden, the senator said in a letter that he delivered to Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss — who is conducting the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden, which the Washington Examiner received. The letter was submitted by the senator to Attorney General.

Grassley said that the material provided by Hunter's former business partner and whistleblower Tony Bobulinski established a sufficient basis to begin a complete field investigation on pay-to-play grounds. However, it is uncertain if the FBI did so and whether the information is part of the current criminal investigation being conducted by U.S. Attorney Weiss.

Grassley believes that the investigation into Hunter's laptop, which was a different case from the inquiry into the tax returns and guns, was terminated by the former FBI agent Tim Thibault. In 2017, Bobulinski had a one-hour personal meeting with former Vice President Joe Biden during which they discussed the Bidens' family business plans with the Chinese.  It was confirmed by Bobulinski that ten held by H for the big guy was a reference to a proposal that had been proposed in which Hunter was to hold property on behalf of Joe Biden.

The material that is in the custody of the FBI that I am referencing is presented, in part, in a synopsis of Tony Bobulinski's interview with FBI agents on October 23, 2020,  Grassley's letter continues:

Mr. Bobulinski indicated in that interview that the arrangement Hunter Biden and James Biden formed with foreign nationals related to the communist Chinese government involved supporting them with potential commercial agreements and investments while Joe Biden was Vice President; however, while Joe Biden was Vice President, that labor remained purposely uncompensated. After Joe Biden stepped down as Vice President, the summary makes it abundantly evident that his sons Hunter and James Biden collaborated with CEFC and individuals linked with CEFC to pay them for the work they had done in the past and the benefits they had obtained for CEFC.

Grassley has asserted that the now-defunct Chinese energy corporation CEFC, which was related to the CCP, sent $5 million to the businesses of Hunter and James Biden in 2017. The Washington Post has reported that Hunter made a profit of $4.8 million from CEFC in the form of retainer and consultancy fees for the years 2017 and 2018. According to emails, Hunter provided Joe and Jill Biden with a key to an office in order to make it easier for them to reach a deal with CEFC.

Grassley also presented more evidence against Hunter pertaining to the Biden family's commercial operations in Ukraine. Hunter sat on the board of Burisma during the time that Joe Biden was vice president, and it is reported that he got $80,000 per month while serving in that capacity.

Grassley noted that the FBI had records on Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky and his business and financial ties to Hunter Biden. The papers that are currently in the possession of the FBI include precise details with relation to talks by non-government people that are pertinent to potential criminal behavior by Hunter Biden."

In total, there are 17 examples that demonstrate Joe Biden's involvement in the commercial dealings of his family. On seven separate occasions, Joe Biden and his staff have asserted that the president had no involvement in the family business.

According to statements made by Joe Biden in 2019, he stated, I've never spoken to my son about his offshore business operations.

In contrast, in 2018, Joe Biden called Hunter and left a voicemail about a potential financial transaction with the Chinese energy giant CEFC. The message said that the Biden family was concerned that sensitive information had been included in a story concerning Hunter's involvement with CEFC's chairman Ye Jianming. The piece was published in the New York Times.

Hey, buddy, it's your old man. It is currently 8:15 on Wednesday evening. If you have a chance just give me a call. There is no pressing need. Joe Biden approached you and said, I just wanted to chat to you. I think the story that was made available online, and it is going to be printed in the Times tomorrow, was good. I believe I understand you. And in any case, feel free to give me a ring whenever you have a moment. The message ended with the phrase "I love you."

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Breitbart.

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