
SHOCKING: Biden Blames GOP for Deadly Fentanyl Influx

In a grand flip-flop that has once again proved that President Joe Biden can’t seem to keep his story straight, he is now pointing the finger at Republicans over the growing border crisis instead of addressing his own reluctance to deal with it. According to Fox News, Biden took to Twitter on Sunday to accuse the GOP of undermining border security funding that he claims has allowed nearly 900 pounds of deadly fentanyl into America.

Biden’s claims of GOP hypocrisy have been met with justified criticism from conservatives who have called him out on his own failings on border policy. The Republican National Committee Director, Tommy Pigott, took to Twitter to remind the President that his own administration has failed to hire 18,000 new Border Patrol agents, while also attacking law enforcement by requesting funding for 87,000 new IRS agents.

Even former Arizona gubernatorial candidate, Kari Lake, has got in on the act, accusing Biden of “purposefully” allowing America to be invaded and having “blood” on his hands for opening the borders in the first place.

Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz also weighed in, warning members of the House Homeland Security Committee that not only has Biden halted wall construction, but he has also removed “perfectly good infrastructure systems” from the border areas. And instead of dealing with the crisis, Biden is tweeting about blaming the GOP for America’s drug trafficking problems.

As Arizona Republican Rep. Andy Biggs pointed out, the President’s accusations are false, and he is proposing billion-dollar cuts to border security and ICE operations in his 2024 budget proposal. It’s clear that Biden needs to start taking responsibility for his own shortcomings on border policy and stop the blame game. America needs a leader who will put the safety and security of American citizens first, instead of playing to his party’s politically motivated agenda.

Written by Staff Reports

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