
Smith Targets Mar-a-Lago Handyman in Desperate Anti-Trump Crusade

Special Counsel Jack Smith is apparently on a mission to make Donald Trump’s life a living nightmare. This time, he has charged Carlos De Oliveira, head of maintenance at Mar-a-Lago, with a laundry list of alleged crimes. It seems like Smith is just going scorched earth, trying to intimidate and punish anyone who dares to stand by Trump.

De Oliveira now joins Trump and his longtime valet, Walt Nauta, as defendants in this politically motivated case. It’s almost comical how desperate Smith seems to be to find anyone to pin something on. But hey, when you can’t get the big guy, you go after the guy who fixes the toilets, right?

According to the charges, De Oliveira supposedly altered or concealed a document, made false statements, and conspired to obstruct justice. And here’s the kicker – they’re also accusing him of attempting to delete surveillance footage at Mar-a-Lago. It’s like they’re trying to create a fictional spy novel instead of conducting a legitimate investigation.

Now, I’m not saying that De Oliveira is as innocent as a lamb, but it does raise eyebrows when you consider the timing. Trump and Nauta were indicted months ago, so why the sudden decision to go after the head of maintenance? Could it be that Special Counsel Smith wants to deflect attention away from the ongoing scrutiny of the Biden family?

It’s no secret that this whole indictment against Trump has been nothing more than a political circus. They don’t actually need to convict him – all they want is bad press and an advantage in the upcoming election. Smith and his gang over at the liberal Department of Justice are playing a dangerous game. But hey, as long as they keep the trial process going, they can keep the media circus alive and distract from the real issues facing our country.

So, buckle up folks. It looks like we’re in for a long and bumpy ride as Special Counsel Jack Smith continues his mission to tear down Trump’s allies. Just remember, there’s always more to the story than what meets the eye, particularly when it comes to politically motivated prosecutions.

Written by Staff Reports

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